:: LETS PLAY BAR!!! :: Author :: guyan0katie-chan Chapter One So one boring day chibi elle, chibi kyuo, chibi low, chibi faury, and the littlest chibi of them all chibi gau! Where all sat outside of the green octopus bored out of their cute minds they had all been thrown out for playing blind man buff. Chibi elle: "not fair, s'alls gau fault" Chibi gau: "WAAAAAH! Not my fault I didn't punch through d wall you did elle" Chibi elle: "if you hadn't ducked it would have been fine gau. Chibi gau: "oh but wouldn't I go through the wall too? Chibi elle: "I dunno faury? Chibi faury: "yes he would or at least dent it a lot. so what should we do? Its only just gone dinner and we need something to play till supper any ideas? Chibi kyuo: kiss chase? Or sardines? gau why are you moving away from me? Chibi gau: low said that you had cooties and that you wanted to give them to me by kissing me and that I would Sri….srivu…..Dry up and my eyes would fall out and I would have all little monsters living in up my nose who look just like you kyuo and they'd all make houses in my brian and have my brian as their…. I forgot the rest kyuo. Why is your face so red kyuo?? are they the cooties? Low kyuo dose have cooties!" Chibi kyuo: AAAAAAAAAAAAGH LOW! Chibi elle: we could play hide and seek? Chibi faury: no you just lock gau in where ever he's hiding it took us a month to find him last time. Chibi gau: elle says I like to play hide and seek… Chibi elle: well we could play house, war? ummmmmmm Chibi kyuo: I'll teach you to say I have cooties you little… Chibi gau: we could make up a new game? Chibi faury: hmmm yes…we could pretend that were…. Chibi elle: in a bar! Chibi gau: and are servalles! Chibi kyuo: killing low! Chibi low: ggrrrrrrgghyyyggggggggggghhhhhoooooowwwwwwwwwwwww! Chibi faury: yes I agree low that we can't all kill you. Hmm so let begin I call manager! Chibi elle: no fair you always get to be manager! Chibi gau: but we haven't played this 'fore elle. Can I be scarface? Chibi elle: ok but I get to be the waitress Chibi faury: why? Chibi elle: cause I heard crimson say to dias that scarface always gives the waitress a big tip at the end of the night. an: (opps! were did that come from?) Chibi kyuo: can I be umm…septia? Like my grandpa? Chibi faury: ok what do you want to be low? Chibi low: ggggggrrrhhhgggtggoooooooooooooooow? Chibi kyuo: low I'm not strangling you anymore? Chibi low: oh! Umm I'll be darkness then. Chibi gau: why Chibi low: cause I like his cloak. Chibi faury: ok then everybody we need a bar lets look for something to use. Chapter Two So the chibi skipped bounced all over the green octopus searching through all the rooms. Looking for something to use as a bar. Chibi elle and chibi faury chibi kyuo checked scarface's room. Chibi faury: "so what have we got then." Chibi elle: "nothing here that we can use as a bar" Chibi faury: "what about that little mini bar in the corner elle?" Chibi elle: "oh didn't see that." Chibi kyuo: "elle, its right in front of you" Chibi faury: "elle take Dias glasses off now! Why are you wearing them anyway?" Chibi elle: "cause I need to have glasses to serve with if I'm gonna be a waitress don't I. Chibi faury: "not those kind of glasses elle the ones that you drink from." Chibi elle: "shut up mean, bossy, snot headed meaniehead." Chibi kyuo: "elle, faurys stood right in front of you…." Chibi elle: "oh yeah, so she is!" Chibi faury: "OWWWWWW MY EYE! elle you idiot that hurt!" Chibi elle: "oh sorry faury here faury I guess you need them more than me!!" Chibi kyuo: Chibi faury: "AGHHH ELLE MOONE RAGU YOU IDIOT FOR ONE YOU DON'T NEED THEM AND TWO WHY WOULD I I'LL BE FINE IN A MINUTE NO THANKS TO YOU BAKA!" Chibi elle: "HEY THERE'S NO NEED TO CALL ME NAMES AND SHOUT AT ME I SAID I WAS SORRY AND I WAS TRYING TO BE NICE BY OFFERING YOU THE GLASSES. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU EH?" Chibi faury: "DON'T YOU DARE SHOUT AT ME YOU'RE THE ONE WHO POKED ME IN THE EYE AND ALL BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T TAKE OFF THOSE STUPID GLASSES!" Chibi elle: "THEY ARE NOT STUPID GLASSES THEY MY BIG BROTHERS AND THEY REALLY GOOD SO SHUT UP YOU STUPID SNOT HEAD!" Chibi faury: "I AM NOT A SNOT HEAD! YOU'RE A IDIOT BAKA BIG HEAD!" Chibi elle: "YES YOU ARE SNOT HEAD AND YOU HAVE MORE COOTIES THEN KYUO!" Chibi kyuo: "HEY I DO NOT HAVE COOTIES!" Chibi faury: "I DO NOT HAVE MORE COOTIES THAN KYUO SHUT UP OR ELSE!" Chibi elle: "COOTIE COTTIE COOTIE COOTIE SNOT HEAD FAURY!" Chibi faury and chibi kyuo: "SHUT UP!" Chibi elle: "make Me." "faury and kyuo sitting ina tree givin' each other cooootieeesss!" Chibi faury and chibi kyuo: Chibi faury, chibi elle and chibi kyuo: "AGHHHHHHHH" In dais's room chibi gau and chibi low where sorting through a pile of old clothes looking for things to play bar in. Chibi gau: "what about this for an apron for elle?" Chibi low: "yeah good I found this shirt for faury it already got keys and stuff already on it. But what about us we need big long cloaks an I can't find anything in here." Chibi gau: "look low there's a big chest there maybe that's where Dias keeps his cloaks Eh? Chibi low: hey yeah hmm this is heavy give me a hand gau." Chibi gau and low: Chibi low: "there we go what's in there gau?" Chibi gau: "oh low that scarface's cloak I've seen 'im in that one and there's his turban type thingie!" Chibi low: "hey and that looks like darkness clock! Oh and his long stick thing too." Chibi gau: "I wonder what all this is doing in here anyway why does Dias have it all? Do you think he gets it all washed? Cause he washes our clothes doesn't he?" Chibi low: "why else would it all be here gau." Chibi gau: "umm low? Why is darkness' cloak moving?" Chibi low: "maybe there's monsters in there…Big monsters, bigger then a house that want to eat us!" Chibi gau: "worser than Kyuo's cooties?" Chibi kyuo: "I DO NOT HAVE COOTIES!" Chibi low: "oh gau now listen to me closely nothing is worse than Kyuo's cooties. Chibi kyuo: "SHUT UP!" Chibi low: "how can she hear us? Anyway poke it gau go on." Chibi gau: "I don't wanna it might bite my arm off." Chibi low: "go on gau I dare you too!" Chibi gau: "I want elle. You're being mean low…. What's that?" Chibi low: "what's what?" Chibi gau: "it sounded like aaaaaaaagg" <> Chibi gau: "ELLE! lows being mean elle." Chibi elle: "what did you do to gau?" Chibi low: "nothing I just wanted him to poke the monster in darkness' cloak." Chibi gau: "will you poke it elle please??" Chibi faury: "of course she will gau, elle very good at poking things." Chibi elle: "shut up faury. ok…. Chapter Three Princess lilivelt!! Not that the chibi know who she is but we wouldn't We? Chibi elle: "hey! wake up!" Chibi faury: "elle don't poke her!" Chibi elle: "well what do you suggest I do oh great faury, Queen of everyone stupid head." Chibi faury: I heard that, anyway why don't you try Giving her a shake?" Chibi elle: "hey wake up." Chibi lilivelt: "huh? Where am I? Who are all you?" Chibi elle: "I'm elle, thetas my brother gau, thetas kyuo and low there And this here is faury your in The green octopus and you are?? And what are you doing in there?" Chibi lilivelt: "I'm lilivelt, I ran away from home because I was Bored I hid inside darkness cloak and then I got terribly tired and Then I was here." Chibi kyuo: "were gonna play a game do you wanna play with us?" Chibi elle: "great idea kyuo! oppppps! Still what do think? Wanna play bar?" Chibi lilivelt: could I be whomever I want? Chibi faury: "oh yes, that reminds me what did you two find for us to play with? Chibi low: "these" all chibi scramble for their costumes. Chibi elle: "wow, gau you look just like scarface Y'know. Just without the scar that is!" Chibi low: "and I look great too!" Chibi kyuo: "oh yes gau! just like a younger more handsome version of scarface!" Chibi faury: "yes there is a likeness isn't there." Chibi low: "what about me!!" Chibi lilivelt: oh please give us twirl gau, please!" Chibi elle: "twirl gau!" Chibi gau: "okay." Chibi elle: "yeah gau!" Chibi kyuo: "oh gau." suddenly the camera flashes temporally blinding gau, this causes him To stand on the bottom of his cloak tripping him up! Chibi gau: "owwwwww" Chibi low: "AHahahhahahahahahaha." Chibi elle: "shut up low! gau are you ok? What happened?" Chibi faury: "shah gau c'mon what happened?" Chibi gau: "the light hurt my eyes. and it made me fall." Chibi elle: "kyuo this is all your fault! you and your stupid camera!" Chibi kyuo: "no its not anyway I didn't mean too." Chibi faury: "elle, kyuo calm down it was an accident. C'mon gau stop crying" Chibi kyuo: "I'm sorry gau do you forgive me?" Chibi gau: uhuh. I forgive you kyuo" Chibi elle: "huh. Well then shall we start? Oh lilivelt who are you going to be?" Chibi lilivelt: "well I got this sword and this Armour so I am going to be faulstis." Chibi low: "who's that?" Chibi lilivelt: "she's the holy knight of juliarnnes, and engaged to Scarface." Chibi kyuo and chibi elle: "but gau's scarface... Chibi gau and chibi lilivelt: "oh ummmm" Chibi faury: "anyway lets get this bar outside and start playing eh." Chibi low, chibi elle, chibi gau manage to pick up the bar when from inside is an insistent knocking. Chibi gau: "monster!", drops his edge <> the door of the mini bar opens and out falls... Chibi ren! (So everyone's happy now yeah?) Chibi ren: "ah, im FREE!!" Chibi faury: "excuse me but how did you get in there?" Chibi elle: "there seems to be alot of kids with pink hair hid around this place." (for no other reason other then I think she'd look cool) chibi ren: "oh, I was just sat innocently around. when scarface and his Friends came and dragged me back here threw me in there." Chibi gau: I don't know something about learning a lesson." Chibi elle: "yeah right ren." Chibi ren: "anyway I'm gonna play with you guys." Chibi low: "aren't you even gonna ask?" Chibi ren: "no." Chibi elle: "well it doesn't matter cause he can't play anyway." Chibi gau: "yeah! Why not elle?" Chibi elle: "cause I said." Chibi ren: "can't stop me!" Chibi elle: "wanna bet." Chibi faury: "now c'mon elle, the more the merrier." Chibi elle: "no, he can't play." Chibi faury: "elle if you don't let...." Chibi ren: "ren." Chibi faury: "play I'll sing the song." Chibi elle: "you wouldn't dare." Chibi faury: "ELLE AND GAU SITTING IN A TREE MPhhhh." Chibi elle: "okay okay he can play but I get to chose who he can be" Chibi ren: "ok." Chibi elle: "you have to be a dog." Chibi ren: "yeah sure why not." Chibi faury: "well come on then downstairs everyone." All the chibi pick up the bar. Faury, gau, and elle at one side. Ren, Low and kyuo at the other while the princess opens the doors. Chibi kyuo: "how could you let elle make you be a dog ren?" Chibi low: "yeah, why'd you let her do that?" chibi ren: "oh I wanted to be a dog anyway!" ^_^* So down the stairs they went to start to play bar which should begin in whenever I put the next one up! Chapter Four So all the chibi and the bar are ready to play in the orchard of the green octopus. Elle and gau where arranging some planks as a counter and tables. While low and ren where constructing faurys office. And faury, kyuo and lilivelt had gone in search of some drinks after an unsuccessful attempt at trying to make cider by mashing apples. All three where still trying to get apple mush out of their hair. Chibi elle: "yes I think we did a very good job it looks like a real bar." Chibi low: "elle remind me to tell faury not to move that stick that's in the middle of the office or it will all fall down will you?" Chibi elle: "sure….but what should we do till faury gets back she won't let us start without her?" Chibi ren: "I think we should give gau a scar and.." Chibi elle: "WHAT!! If you hurt a hair on his head I'll….. what are those?" Chibi ren: "marker pens we can draw on a scar and I can have a doggy face see?" Chibi low: "umm ren, can I have that green marker please?" Chibi ren: "sure, but you can draw me a doggy face on first k?" Chibi elle: "okay." Chibi low: "hey that's good elle!" Chibi gau: "elle will you draw on me now elle?" Chibi elle: "uhuh gau, As elle is about to place the marker pen on to Gau's skin when kyuo appears carrying a small barrel (I had to think of what the word was then Hee Hee.). As kyuo see what is going on she drops the barrel and charges toward gau. Chibi kyuo: "NOOOOOOOOOO!!! GAU!!" All other chibi turn and look the pen millimetres from Gau's face and look very similar to startled bunnies in the headlights of a car. Chibi kyuo pushes elle out the way (think during lowegren sp.?) and grabs gau. Chibi elle: "what are you doing kyuo?!" Chibi kyuo: "im protecting gau its mean of you to draw on him and you know that dias said you weren't supposed to draw on things after that time you drew spots on faury and made her think she was ill elle!" Chibi gau: "but kyuo Elle's gonna give me a scar like scarface for the game." Chibi kyuo: "oh!" Chibi kyuo lets go of gau and elle draws his scar on. Chibi kyuo: "scarface's scar doesn't go that way!" "It's like that." Chibi elle: "no it's not" Chibi kyuo: "is so elle." Chibi elle: "no it's not kyuo." Chibi kyuo: "low doesn't scarface's scar go this way Chibi low: "hey ren do you wanna be my pet dog?" Chibi ren: "let's go look for a lead." Chibi ren and chibi low: Chibi low: "poor gau. In two more minutes he's gonna be the rope in a game of tug of war." Chibi ren: "well just so long as they don't actually use him as the rope." Chibi low: "ahhh. You thought I meant figuratively didn't you?" Chibi ren: "what you mean elle and that red head will actually use him as a rope?" Chibi low: Chibi ren: "and were leaving him alone with those two!" Chibi low: "you wanna try and stop them?" Chibi ren: "well lets look for that lead, shall we?" Chibi faury and chibi lilivelt turn round the corner to face chibi ren and chibi low. The two girls are carrying a small barrel and are followed by Kai. Kai: "how'd you get out!?" Chibi low: "we let him out to play with us Mr Kai." Chibi faury: "where's kyuo? She was supposed to come back to help us." Chibi lilivelt: "yes if it wasn't for Mr Kai we'd still be there." Chibi ren: "we're not staying out there. I don't want to get in the middle of all that." Kai: "all that?" Chibi low: "well, elle and kyuo are arguing… Chibi faury: "oh no, we should properly save gau then I suppose?" So the chibis and Kai walk into the garden to the sounds of elle and kyuo yelling at each other. Chibi kyuo: "I'M TELLING YOU IT GOES THIS WAY! Chibi elle: "DOES NOT! THIS WAY! Chibi kyuo: "THI S WAY." Chibi elle: "THIS WAY." Kai: "girls! What have you done." Everybody looks at gau whose face resembles something with a lot of lines on it. He looks up smiling. He looks quite happy. Chibi kyuo: "its elle she doesn't believe that scarface's scar goes that way." Chibi elle: "well, that's because it doesn't. Anybody could tell that!" Chibi faury: "shut up the pair of you!" "Mr Kai could you please draw the scar, because you've seen scarface much more than any of us?" Kai: "why of course but first we should clean up young Master Ban here. (awwww. Just like mummy does.. Erm…. .Use to! Yeah that it! -_-* ^_^!!!) "There you go. Good as new! Now for your scar Master Ban." Chibi elle: "Kai, what's wrong?" Kai: Now Miss elle, you know you should address people by their proper titles. So please ask again but this time address me by my title." Chibi elle: "okay Kai! Crimson, Kai Shinks - 56th sevalle of the kingdom of Kuruda and Raze Reme. What's wrong?" Kai: "I meant to call me Mr or Sir, not my entire title. Try to remember that next time." Chibi elle: "okay Kai!" Kai: "Miss elle if I didn't know any better I'd swear that monkeys switched you with Black Wing's real younger sister. hmm. Well scarface's scar starts 4 centimetres from here.. On young Master Ban that would 2 ½ centimetres travelling up for 6 centimetres at a 46 degree angle. Like so." "yes, that's it!" All chibi crowd round gau, and are all very impressed! Chibi faury: "Mr Kai. What a wonderful job you've done!" Chibi kyuo: "oh yes he looks exactly like scarface!" Chibi low: "Mr Kai you did a great job there! Chibi ren: "he didn't smudge it neither!" Chibi lilivelt: "and now thanks to Mr Kai we can begin our game. (in the next chapter)" Chibi elle: "Yeah, my little brother looks just like scarface!" Chibi low: "Mr Kai why does black wing have some of yours , and scarface's, and darkness clothes in his room?" Kai: "well, we sometimes have sleepover's that's all…. And we need a clean pair of clothes for in the morning!" Chibi elle: "no fair! I wanna go to the sleepover!" Kai: "no Miss elle, its not for little girls and boys. You can't go." Chibi elle: "okay then." Kai: "that's a good girls…now go and play your game and be in for your supper." Kai leaves and faury turns to elle Chibi faury: "why elle I must say you gave up far to easily." Chibi elle: "Who says I gave up…we'll go one day very soon!" Fade out… Chapter Five Chibi faury: "hey, finally we can play bar." Chibi elle: "right, c'mon on everyone lets play!" Chibi's cheer and run about the set and get ready to play. When they hear a voice Dias: "elle, gau, faury, kyuo, low. Suppers ready come in now." Chibi all: Chibi gau: "but we haven't started playin' yet." Chibi elle: "yeah no fair. I wanna play bar!" Chibi kyuo: "me too." Dias walks over to the crying kyuo and scoops her up Dias: "hey hey, kyuo calm down. elle what did you do this time?" Chibi elle: "I didn't do nothin' she's crying cause we don't want supper. We wanna play bar!!!" Dias: "don't pull that face at me elle. It dosen't work. Now come in and eat your soup." Chibi all: Chibi gau: "Dias what kind of soup is it?" Dias: "chicken…I think…" Chibi faury: "Dias what do you mean you think it's chicken?" Dias: "well I can't find my glasses so my visions a little blurred….is everybody here now? Chibi faury: "yep. Were all here Dias. But lillivelt and ren are here too." Chibi low: "Dias can they stay over?" Dias: "no not tonight. They can stay for supper but then they have to go home." Chibi ren and lillivelt: "thank you Dias." Chibi elle: "stop sucking up to my brother you." Chibi ren: "shut up or I'll tell everyone how we met." Chibi elle: "you wouldn't dare!!" Chibi ren: "only one way to find out isn't there?" Chibi low: "how do you know elle, ren? Chibi ren: Chibi low: "elle! You didn't!!!" Chibi elle: "AGGGHHHH! Ren I'm going to hurt you!" Dias: "elle that's no way to treat guests now to the kitchen now." In the kitchen the hot "chicken" soup and some thick beard are waiting along with Scarface and Kain. Scarface is stirring the soup. Kain is reading a magazine. Scarface: "it dosen't smell like chicken…" Kain: "the stuff Dias keeps in that chest. Listen to this "take our quiz!! Do you know how to flirt?" Scarface: "oh keep that for later. That could be fun!" Kain: "oh no I hear the brats coming…" Scarface: "I feel sorry for them. If this is chicken soup then I'm a hot fudge sundae." Kain: Chibi elle: "Dias, but ren's horrible….can't I hit him just a little? Please." Dias: "no elle, all right sit down and eat your supper." Scarface: "OK, kiddies eat up." Chibi elle: that doesn't look like soup. Dias I'm very tired I wanna go to bed now." Chibi kyuo, faury and low: "yep, were really tired too." Chibi ren: "me and lillivelt think we should go home now." Kain: I'll get Kai to take them home. Chibi ren: "elle ate a bug that how a know her! Hahahaha! Kain: I like this kid. Even if you do look like a dog!" Chibi elle: "I'll kill you next time ren got that. I opened my mouth and a bug flew in. it not like I ate it on purpose!! Stupid ren." Scarface: "well anyway if everyone's tired it's off to bed now then." Chibi gau: "mmmmm. Soup nice Dias." Everybody gasps (apart from Dias who smiles) Chibi gau: "look I ate it all. Can I have more?" Scarface: "no, now off to bed with you all "you are going to be soo sick tonight…" Chibi gau: " I like soup I like soup. " Chibi elle: "hey will you and Dias sing us the sleeply time song scarface?" Scarface: "erm.. I don't think so. No sleeply time song tonight." Chibi gau: "Wah, want song Scarface sing." All chibi join in. dias grins at Scarface as they carry all the chibi upstairs to bed. Scarface rubs his forehead and nods. Scarface: "OK. I'll sing now all get into bed, all of you." The chibi bounce into bed and cuddled up to their teddies. Chibi elle and gau. "Sing!" Scarface: "OK. C'mon Dias." Scarface and Dias(to the tune of "go to sleep") " Time to sleep.   Chibi sleep,   deep sleep,   don't get up till the mourning.   Sleep till we all wake.   Don't get up even if you need too  Close your eyes.   Very tight.   And don't get up in the night " the chibi close their eyes and fall asleep an Dias and Scarface tip-toe out of the room. And carefully close the door. Scarface: "why does gau have marker on his face?" Chibi elle: "night gau." Chibi gau: "night elle."